
The Arvigo Techniques of Maya Abdominal Therapy® are founded on ancient Maya abdominal massage techniques. The techniques are performed externally by gently guiding and supporting organs back into their optimal position, resulting in increased blood flow and improved organ functioning for optimal health, wellness, and fertility. 

Arvigo Therapy® is best known for addressing misalignment or congestion in the reproductive organs of both men and women (as well as many common digestive disorders). It comes as no surprise that trying to conceive can be stressful. Arvigo® is a loving practice taught to parents-to-be and even the self-care alone can help ease you through the process more peacefully.


“I am currently working with Kris for Arvigo® treatments. I am someone who has dealt with digestive issues for years. My main complaints are excessive bloating and discomfort. After only two treatments and the recommendation of castor oil packs, I am feeling  less discomfort and am super excited about where these treatments can take my body!”

— Melissa

Relieve Symptoms

  • Anxiety

  • Abdominal Bloating or Pain

  • Painful, Heavy or Irregular Menses

  • Amenorrhea, or Lack of Menses

  • Fertility Problems

  • Endometriosis

  • Symptoms Related to Uterine Fibroids

  • Painful Intercourse

  • PMS

  • Frequent Urination

  • Headaches or Dizziness with Menses

  • Low Back Pain

  • Ovarian Cysts

  • Chronic Vaginitis

  • Hormonal Imbalances

  • Difficult Pregnancy or Delivery

  • Menopausal Symptoms

Booking Appointments

For women trying to conceive, the ideal time to book an appointment for Arvigo® is just before menses and ovulation. This will help increase circulation and healing while the body is working overtime. Kris offers a one-month treatment plan and a three-month treatment plan. The one-month treatment plan is designed for people who are actively going through fertility treatments (i.e. IUI and IVF). The three-month program allows extra time for the body to adjust and heal. We welcome all couples to include their partners in the process as in-tandem treatment improves fertility with increased circulation, sperm count, and natural quality. 

Please note that if you have any of the following, the lower abdominal work should not be done:

  • Active infection (e.g. bladder or yeast infection)

  • Women with an IUD (intra-uterine device for contraception)

  • During Menstruation

  • Within 6 weeks of abdominal or pelvic surgeries

  • Active cancer or undergone chemo

When you are not seeking medical treatment for fertility, it typically takes 2-3 professional sessions (at a minimum) to address most conditions. Clients who perform their own self-care massage on a routine basis report a quicker improvement of their symptoms.




Initial Session

During your initial visit, we’ll complete a comprehensive review of past and present healthcare needs, focusing on reproductive and digestive health. Once we have reviewed your health history, we will move into your hands-on abdominal massage. This will align your reproductive organs and improve your circulation.  

During your session you may experience some emotions due to the opening of our solar plexus. This is common and together we’ll acknowledge it—it’s a great release for your emotional health and is always welcome. 

After your abdominal massage is complete, you’ll flip over and lay on your stomach for lower-back work. This is to open up the sacrum, loosen tissues, and allow the nerves to move freely.

The hands-on session will end with Kris teaching your at-home, self-care routine—strongly encourage to be completed on a regular basis. Healing starts with the self and it is the utmost important part of the Arvigo® journey. 

To conclude the session Kris may recommend all or some of the following:

  • Faja – a traditional lower abdomen support wrap

  • Bajos (vaginal steam) – traditional herbal pelvic steam bath of the Maya

  • Castor oil packs

  • Nutritional and herbal support



Follow Up Session

  • We will revisit your healthcare needs and you will have time to ask any questions that may have come up over the past few weeks.

  • You will have your hands-on session followed by reviewing your self-care technique.

Confidential Intake Form

Start Your Arvigo Journey